• Email Address: support@bizzcox.com
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I will design a WordPress website or landing page using elementor pro.

Are You Looking for a WordPress elementor expert? Then You are in Right Place. I have developed more than 200+ WordPress websites for my local clients. I can design Modern beautiful Responsive WordPress website or landing page using elemetor & elementor pro.

What You Will Get 

✶ Premium theme & premium Plugins
✶ Responsive Design
✶ Super-Fast Website
✶ Pop Up Form
✶ Elementor Multi-Step Form
✶ Multilingual support 
✶ Custom Post Types Creation
✶ Advanced Custom Field Creation
 Autoresponder integration
 Mailchimp Automation
 E-commerce Integration
 Payment gateway Setup
✶ Website Security
✶ Cross-Browser Compatibility
✶ Facebook Pixel / Google Analytics Setup
✶ Elementor Single Product Page Design

Why Me?

✔ 100% satisfaction guaranteed
✔ 100% refund guaranteed
✔ Best communication skills
✔ 100% On Time Delivery
✔  24/7 Support

If you are confused and don't know what to do, just knock me and sit comfortably. I Will do the rest of the work and give you a perfect solution.

It's essential to contact me before ordering because there is much information needed to make a website, and the most important thing to go through is whether I can do the job correctly or whether you are interested in working with me.
Yes, I can provide You Elementor Pro (license) and a variety of premium themes.
Yes, I can provide World class Domain & Hosting Service.

Install Wp & Elementor ➨ 1 Page ➨ 1-4 sections

  • 1 Page
  • Design Customization
  • Content Upload
  • Responsive Design
  • 3 Plugins/Extensions
  • E-Commerce Functionality
  • 15 Products
7 Days Delivery 3 Time Revisions
Order Now

Basic ➨ 4 Pages ➨ Custom Header & Footer ➨ upto 6 sections

  • 4 Pages
  • Design Customization
  • Content Upload
  • Responsive Design
  • 6 Plugins/Extensions
  • E-Commerce Functionality
  • 15 Products
10 Days Delivery 6 Time Revisions
Order Now

Standard ➨ 10 pages ➨ Ecommerce integration ➨ opt in form ➨ upto 10 sections

  • 10 Pages
  • Design Customization
  • Content Upload
  • Responsive Design
  • 10 Plugins/Extensions
  • E-Commerce Functionality
  • 15 Products
15 Days Delivery 15 Time Revisions
Order Now

Do you have any special requirements?

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